Our Saviour Parish News, June, 2018

Our Saviour Lutheran Church
3301 The Alameda
Baltimore, MD 21218

June, 2018

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

During the past month we celebrated the ascension of our Lord, the great Feast of Pentecost – the coming of the Holy Spirit, the birthday of the Church, and the Feast of the Holy Trinity, commonly called Trinity Sunday on which we rejoice in God’s revelation of Himself as one God: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. And on Pentecost three fine young men, having completed the study of the Catechism, were confirmed: Dominick Carmichael-Myrie, Elijah Carmichael-Myrie, and Theodore Jones. Remember these young men in your prayers that they may always remain faithful to Christ and His Church.

Our dear sister in Christ, Mary Bridges, fell asleep in the Lord on Monday, May 28th, following a lengthy illness. May the Light perpetual shine upon her and may the risen Lord comfort her daughter Lynetric and all who mourn her departure. As of this writing, funeral arrangements are incomplete.

Remember also to pray for all those whose names appear in the Sunday bulletin. Helen Gray was recently hospitalized but is again at home. Our dear organist emeritus, Don Weber, is now a patient at Franklin Square Hospital.

Every Sunday morning we have Bible class and Sunday School at 9:45 A.M. Mary Techau has been teaching the little ones and the not so little ones. And for that I am very grateful! During the past year the Bible class has studied some of the Scripture lessons assigned to the Sundays of the Church Year, the Augsburg Confession, and the use of the psalms in the New Testament. We are now beginning a study of the Letter to the Hebrews which was addressed to Jewish Christians in danger of falling back into Judaism. God’s written Word is always timely, but I think that Hebrews is perhaps especially timely in a time when the Church is increasingly under pressure from a society which has ceased to be – if it ever really was! – in some sense Christian and in which the whole Judaeo-Christian tradition no longer forms the world we live in. Our Sunday Bible classes are quite informal. Questions are very welcome. Come join us!

  We have now been using our Synod’s new hymnal, Lutheran Service Book, for a month. I think that it has been well received. We have been using what is called Divine Service III which is the same liturgy that is found in The Lutheran Hymnal, the “red book.” Beginning on the first Sunday in July and continuing through August and September, we will be using Divine Service I which is the same liturgy that is found in Lutheran Worship, the “blue book.” I am happy to report that we have received so many offerings from members and friends of Our Saviour that these books have cost us very little. You can still give a book or books in honor or in memory of loved ones. The cost is $30.00 per book. By the way, we have numerous copies of the two older hymnals. You are certainly welcome to take one or more for your own use. The Church’s hymns are intended for use not only in public worship but also in family and private devotion.

 You may or may not have noticed that in the Lutheran Service Book there is a small triangle before the beginning of the last stanza of those hymns which conclude with a doxology, a stanza in which we give glory and praise to the triune God. The triangle is there to remind us to stand for these stanzas. It will no doubt take time before we all become familiar with this custom. Do remember that as we worship our heavenly Father we are not a regiment on parade but are the children of God in their Father’s house. 

 The new Church Council will be installed during the Divine Service on June 10th.  They are:  Paul Techau’ President; Dana Carmichael, Secretary; Bernie Knox, Treasurer; Mary Techau, Director of Education; Merton Masterson, Director of Worship; Gary Watson, At Large.

 Sunday, June 24th, is the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, the Forerunner of our Lord. Saint Luke tells us of this in Luke 1:57-80. Since John was born six months before the Savior, the Church has from ancient times remembered John’s birth six months before Christmas Eve.

 Enclosed with this letter is a tract which addresses the question of Fellowship in the Lord’s Supper. The Holy Sacrament is the Sacrament of Unity. The faithful Lutheran Church has always so understood it and has insisted on unity of faith on the part of those who receive Communion. The fact is that Christians are sadly divided in what they believe, teach and confess. Until these doctrinal differences are resolved, the common reception of Communion by Christians who are divided in  doctrine would suggest a unity which does not yet exist and for which we must all fervently pray. I am always happy to prepare people for the reception of Holy Communion.

 Do not forget that every Lord’s Day is a celebration of the Lord’s resurrection when Christians gather to hear His Word and to receive Him in the Holy Sacrament of His Body and Blood. Continue to pray for one another and for me your pastor.

Affectionately in our Lord,

Pastor McClean

Ordination Anniversary Celebration:
As you know, Pastor McClean will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of his ordination this June the 23rd.  In honor of this occasion, we will be having a celebration of thanksgiving on June 23rd at 10:00 AM with Divine Service and a luncheon to follow.

Please plan on attending this very special event. If you could please, respond by calling the church office (410-253-9553) and leaving a message or signing the sheet on the piano in the church by June 9 so that we can properly plan for the luncheon, it would be most appreciated.
– Our Saviour Church Council

Free Flea Market
As you change the clothes in your closet for the warmer weather, remember the Free Flea Market at Our Saviour. We can always use men’s clothing, housewares, and other items of interest. We will also gather coats for Waverly Elementary/Middle School, so you can bring them in now. This will be the 5th year that we have held this successful outreach to the community. Items can be dropped off in the room next to the Multi-Purpose room. Let Judy Volkman know what you are leaving. The first Free Flea Market will be June 9th and every second Saturday through September. Volunteers are needed to greet visitors and welcome them to Our Saviour.
– Judy Vokman