Second Sunday in Advent
December 8, 2024, 11:00 AM
Collect of the Day
Stir up our hearts, O Lord, to make ready the way of Your only-begotten Son, that by His coming we may be enabled to serve You with pure minds; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Lesson: Malachi 4:1–6
Epistle: Romans 15:4–13
Holy Gospel: Luke 21:25–36
LSB 331 The Advent of Our King (TLH 68)
LSB 337 The Night Will Soon Be Ending
LSB 333 Once He Came in Blessing (TLH 74)
LSB 336 Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending
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“The House of God and the Gate of Heaven…”
Our Saviour celebrates Holy Communion every Sunday in the historic Lutheran liturgical tradition of the Common Service. As a member congregation of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, she joyfully confesses the prophetic and apostolic Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God, and she adheres without reservation to the Book of Concord of 1580 as being in full accord with the Scriptures.
- Divine Service at 11:00 AM on Sundays
(and as announced on major feast days – see Parish Calendar)
- Bible class at 9:45 AM on Sundays
- Address:
3301 The Alameda
Baltimore, MD 21218
- Phone:
(410) 235-9553
Our Saviour Church is under the pastoral care of the Rev’d Charles L. McClean.
Questions? Need to talk? Call the church office at (410) 235-9553 or visit our Contact page.